Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Take a Break"

Picture this. You are sitting at your desk at 3pm. Phones are ringing. Fax machines are beeping. Blackberrys are beeping. People are racing up and down the halls with animal speed and everyone looks like there are on a life-or-death mission. Everyone but you that is. You, for some reason, just can’t to keep your eyes open. Maybe it was the rice at lunch time. Or maybe it was the late night party. Somehow you are finding it supremely difficult to stay propped up. Not to worry girls and boys, it happens to the best of us. Call it a wintertime slow-down of the body, or call it lack of energy, sometimes what you need is a pick me up to get you through the rest of your day with your job intact!
So here are a couple of quick ways to reenergize your systems during that mid-day/morning slump.
Stretch: Stand up with your feet together. Raise your arms up, above your head. Now taking a deep breath in, bend backwards. Maintain this position a couple of seconds, and then slowly bringing your arms with you, bend forward, essentially attempting to touch your toes. Yogic backward bends are one of the most effective ways to energize the entire body and get you going again!
Breathe:  the easiest, safest, and probably one of the best ways to refresh your systems and leave you feeling relaxed. Just close you eyes and take 10 slow, deep breaths in and out through your nose.
Take a walk: Sometimes all you really need is a little fresh air. Trust me, it works to clear your mind, and gives you the pick-me-up needed to continue with the tasks at hand. Even if you can’t leave the office, just take a short walk around there. Or maybe climb a few flights up and down the stairs. And remember, the idea is not to tire yourself out, or walk somewhere, but rather to enjoy the walk.
Get some shut-eye: This is a really simple one. So simple, it’s hard to believe it works. All those hours spent staring at the computer screen, typing frantic emails, even sending funny text messages, can really take a toll on your poor eyes. So take a few minutes to rest them. Just sit at your desk and close your eyes. While doing so, try to consciously focus on your breath, essentially withdrawing your senses from the hectic world around you. Trust me you will love the results – a feeling of peace and quiet in your mind that allows you to have a more productive day ahead.
So just go ahead and take that break. You deserve it.

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