Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Kicking the Habit"
So todays its all about getting fit, feeling good, and looking great! Everyone you know practically works out in the gym, has a power yoga class, follows the Zone diet, and maybe even attend Chanting or Meditation classes! Noticed how our focus has gradually shifted from the unhealthy junk food couch potato syndrome of the 90s to the organic eating-wii sports active lifestyle of the 2000s? Times have changed and so have our lifestyles. But…..and there is always a but, theres one HUGE vice we still havent managed to get out of our systems. Cigerettes. Those disgusting, smelly, cancer spreading sticks far too many of us still light up on a daily basis! And even worse, an alarming number of people are unwilling to quit for a reason wholly to do with vanity…can you guess what it is? They don’t want to put on weight!

Well I am here to tell you, that you can kick this nasty, disease spreading habit, and enjoy a happy, smoke-free life without adding inches to your waistline

First and foremost its important to face the facts. Fact: on average, people who quit smoking can put on about 4 kgs. Why? Well, you simply eat more. The act of putting that cigerette in your mouth is subsituted by putting food in the mouth. In addition, with each passing day of quitting, your taste buds get more sensitised, allowing you to enjoy the actual flavours of food much more. Additionally, nicotine increases the bodys metabolic rate. Therefore, when you stop smoking, your metabolic rate also slows down. But really, are these reasons enough not to try?? Its all about finding a surefire way to reduce your risk of weight gain and here are some I have personally tried and tested with success (now on my 7th smoke-free year!) If I can do it so can you!!!

1. Pump up the Exercise! Think about how much faster and longer you will be able to run when your lungs are clean and clear, its an amazing way to monitor your body getting stronger everyday you don’t smoke! Its also a healthy thing to do when you get a sudden craving and you are all alone at home. Instead of reaching for that smoke, grab those sneakers and get going!

2. Tank Up! Drink loads of water throughout the day. This works to distract you from the cravings, and also fills your stomach so you don’t end up grabbing that packet of potato chips! Meanwhile, your skin glows and everyones asking about you secret beauty regime….

3. Snack Smart! Be a super-nerd and stock up on plenty of healthy (think cucumbers, carrots, baked snacks, granola bars, sugar-free candy, gum) foods before you quit. This way, even when you do end up stuffing your face, its with carrots and not cheeseburgers!

4. Plan, plan plan! Pick a date, and stick to it. Mark it on your calendar. Tell all your friends/collegues/your dog. Ask for support. Avoid places you know are going to be dens of temptation for the first week or two or at least until you feel strong enough.

And lastly, always remember, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again!

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