Sunday, April 18, 2010

"The Buzz on Superfoods"

Beans, Broccoli, Oats, Soy, Spinach, Blueberries, Oranges, Pumpkin, Salmon, Tea (Green or Black), Tomatoes, Walnuts, Yoghurt, Dark Chocolate, Pomegranate, Asparagus, Brown Rice, Dark Green Vegetables,

Sound like the regular grocery list mom makes when she’s getting ready to go the market?

Not quite. These everyday products, which most of us have eaten all our lives, or at least been forced to eat by mom (read: broccoli and beans!), are now included in an elite group of foods called the “Superfoods”. Something superman eats? Not exactly, but pretty close!! Basically, doctors, scientists, researchers and all those other experts out there have come up with the concept. based on the fact that not all foods are created equal, and indeed, there are some foods that are “more equal” than others, this concept focuses on certain foods which are literally packed with all the good stuff we need! Am talking nutrient values like potassium, vitamin C, antioxidents, Omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, fiber, and more…stuff that essentially builds stronger immunity and resistance to disease, prevents illness like cancer and diabetes, lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure, and keeps the body happy!

You don't need specific foods for specific ailments. A healthy diet incorporating a variety of the above superfoods will help you maintain your weight, fight disease, and live longer. One thing they all have in common is that each and every superfood is going to be a 'real' (unprocessed) food product. In simple speak that means there no preservatives, additives, artificial coloring, or any ingredients which sound like they belong in a chemistry lab instead of on your plate! And guess what the best part of getting your regular superfood fix is? No side effect. Except for all the great ones like healthy skin and nails, increased energy levels, fat and weight reduction, and living a longer and heathier life!

So whats not to love?

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