Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Bursting Bladder?"
Ever feel like you are just dyyyyyying to pee? Usually when you are stuck in a seemingly endless meeting. Or when you have spent about an hour commuting from one side of town to the other travelling on the super bumpy roads of our cities. Even when you step out from a room in which the ac in turned on “high cool” to the sweltering heat outside? Sometimes I really wonder if adult diapers might just be the solution to my almost daily stress to running into some restroom or the other to pee! So if you have the same worries, these next tidbits of news are going to make you very happy.
The experts have found that the consumption of certain things can actually make your bladder feel like its bursting even more, so read on to know how to avoid dying-to-pee syndrome the next time you are about to step into that meeting!

Caffeine: Keep a count on those coffee breaks people. Research has found that caffeine actually stimulates the bladder and acts as a diuretic, producing more urine. But don’t panic, you don’t have to quit that little coffee habit you’ve got going altogether, just cut down on the cups, or even better, switch to deca!
P.S. Guess what else contains caffeine? Chocolate. Enough said.

Too much liquid: While I am all for staying hydrated, research says two liters is a very decent amount of fluid for the body to intake on a daily basis. If you are one of those water enthusiasts, try and avoid drinking too much in the evenings, it will save you those midnight trips to the bathroom!

Too little liquid: Contrary to the assumption that if you don’t drink too much, you won’t need to pee, and that will solve the problem, too little fluid in the body can actually irritate the bladder and cause an infection. The key is to drink enough to stay balanced and hydrated. And don’t forget, you also get a good portion of your daily fluid needs from food itself – about 20 percent! Food which contains high amounts of fluid? Fruits, salads, soups and dals.

Alcohol: Although it is dehydrating, alcohol also makes you tend to pee a lot more frequently while you are consuming it. In fact, it can also induce the brain into sending mixed signals to the bladder, making you feel like to need to pee when you don’t! So remember to drink responsibly girls and boys.

Other culprits I bet you didn’t know about, but all of which can make a nervous bladder even worse, aerated drinks (fizzy drinks and sodas), acidic fruit and juices artificial sweeteners and spicy food!

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