Monday, June 21, 2010

"Something Smells Good"

The aroma of fresh aloo paratha comes wafting through the air and as if you were in a time machine, you are immediately transported back to your childhood home. Your face breaks into a soft smile at the scent of the first rains, again reminiscent of bunking school on those rainy days of your youth. But god forbid you get a whiff of Hugo Boss for men…which somehow makes your face contort as you have a flashback of that awful mistake of a boyfriend from college. Smell. A seemingly innocent one of our five senses (for a quick reminder for those who drowned out their bio teachers they are sight, sound, smell, touch and taste people!). Yet, smell can often have a deep and profound impact on our daily lives.

We associate scents with people, memories, even emotions. In fact, according to some scientists, if you were to do a blind taste test of say a cola versus a lemony drink with your nose held as well (therefore being unable to smell the product), your tongue would actually be unable to differentiate between the two!! There is a whole industry based on the idea that we can actually use certain kinds of aromas to promote a variety of feelings and emotions. Aromatherapy claims that using blends of essential oils fused with specific ingredients (usually flower or plant based) can help to relieve both physical and mental conditions that we as a super-charged race in the twenty first century suffer from on a regular basis. I say, hey, its worth a shot.

 If smelling a nice scent every evening when I come home or during my yoga sessions helps me to relieve anxiety then why not? Here’s a short list of some of the fragrances out there for you to try (I would give the trial period at least two weeks). Essential oils are available at Forest Essential stores across the country. Just ask the sales consultant about usage and let me know what you think!

Chamomile: calms irritability and anger, soothes anxiety and depression.

Jasmine: eases the symptoms of depression and promotes a sense of optimism and happiness.

Lavender: produces a soothing and calming effect on the mind and body. Helps to alleviate depression and anxiety.

Lemon: Helps increase mental clarity as well as a sense of energy. Eases stress and depression.

Sandalwood: Promotes a sense of deep calm and peace. Helps to relieve signs of stress and anxiety. Also meant to be an aphrodisiac.

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