Its wafting through the air and right up to you. As you close your eyes, you can literally picture that pizza in all its perfection…dripping with hot, melted mozzarella cheese, topped with garlic, chicken, mushrooms, and jalapenos. Delivered to your office desk in under 30 minutes or else your money back. And guess what? After being a diet and exercise nazi for a whole three months, you are totally, utterly and completely entitled to a little (ok big!) treat. Yummy, yummy,yummy, its time for a little Dominoes for your tummy.
You know what? It’s all good. Sometimes, it’s a good, no, it’s a great idea to break the rules with your “sensible eating” habits and go a little crazy. In fact, chances are if you don’t give in to your cravings every so often that you will either totally overboard when you do come face to face with that chocolate cake, else you will just turn into a person who is constantly in a bad mood. It’s true. Have you ever noticed how some of the skinniest people you meet tend to be the most ummm, shall we say sour-faced? I personally think they have taken the whole “size zero” thing so seriously they are always bitter and angry about the fact that everyone around them gets to eat the good stuff and they don’t!
No matter what, girls and boys, remember this. If you cant take a little time out from your regular “balanced life” to enjoy some of the delectable things in life (your mums gooey chocolate brownies, freshly made pesto pasta, a Spanish omelets made from country-grown farm eggs), then you aren’t living. And trust me, this stuff always, always tastes supremely mind-blowing when you make eating it on a special occasion. Once you are done, just go back to the good life of nutrition and exercise and smile knowing you have total control. Not just on your waist size, but much, much more. That’s what I call doing things in moderation :)
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