Friday, June 25, 2010

"Banish Binges"

It happens to the best of us. There you are behaving like a perfect angel, living a balanced life in which where are being careful about what you eat, getting the right (healthy) portions of all those carbs, proteins, fruits, veggies, and more on your plate at the right time of the day, and of course supplementing all this good behavior with regular visits to your gym, ensuring that you are getting a good 45 minutes on the treadmill or maybe even an hour at the new aerobics class. When suddenly it happens. Seemingly out of nowhere, the attack is a surprise. It’s unexpected, and catches you off guard.

And oh no, you didn’t see it coming. The big fat binge.

Before you know it, you are sitting at your desk surrounded by empty packets of chips, candy wrappers, and (god forbid!) multiple, now empty, boxes of pizza….And here comes the guilt.

Now you feel like kicking yourself. How did you let that happen? All those weeks of working out and healthy salads gone down the drain. You may as well give up right? Wrong.

Its time to take control people. I am here to tell you that not only can you have total power over those crazy cravings that have a habit of attacking when least expected, but you can avoid the moments of wanting to drown your sorrows in even more ice-cream entirely. I am talking about living a binge-free existence baby.

First things first, the worst thing you can do is to cut out everything sinful out of your life completely. We all have certain weakness, mine personally is chocolate. So what do I do? Allow myself to have those couple of pieces every couple of days…and you what? I ain’t obese. On the other hand, I can handle it when I come face to face with a ginormous Cookie Monster size cake. Plain and simple, if you love something, leave a little room for it in your life. That way you won’t go nuts every time your will power to fight it fades!

Second rule, avoid emotional eating. You just had a fight with your boyfriend. Your boss just yelled at you. Someone just called you “plump”. Do not, I repeat, do not take it out on all the junk food you can find. Stuffing your face full of high-fat, high-calorie food that’s poor in nutritive quality is not the answer girls and boys. Instead, give yourself a time out. Step outside for a couple of minutes if you can, trust me the fresh air can work wonders on a pissy mood. Drink a couple of glasses of water to quell the automatic need to eat something “bad”. In short, find a way to cool down. You’ll find the food choices you make to be dramatically different once you do so.

Finally, don’t fight it. No, I don’t mean load up on fried samosa the next time you feel the urge. I mean, stock up you desk drawer with a few healthy goodies (granola bars, unsalted nuts, baked snacks, digestive biscuits). The next time you get a need to binge, break out the baked stuff baby.

Eat and enjoy :)

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