Monday, June 7, 2010

"Hope for Bad Hair Days"
Its summer time again and just like every year, your hair seems to be going through some sort of angst. Maybe its the dry air, or maybe its swimming in the sun-kissed beaches of Goa, or maybe its just that you haven’t had a chance to condition it in ages, but there definitely something that needs to be done!

Here are my 3 Golden Rules for happy hair.

Feed your hair: just like you worry about the way your body looks and think about what it is that you put into your body, your hair needs to be looked after in the same way. Some foods which encourage healthy hair growth while giving you lustrous and lovely locks include egg (or egg whites if you are watching the cholesterol), salmon (vitamin B-12, iron and omega-3 fatty acids), dark green veggies (spinach, broccoli both of which have vitamin A and B) brown rice, cottage cheese, and even lentils (loaded with iron and zinc).So the next time you are loading up your plate for lunch – don’t just think about thin thighs, think about happy hair!

Nourish your hair: Picking the right products for your hair is almost as essential as making sure you are giving it the nutrition it needs through your diet. The first step to correct product use is to identify the kind of hair you have, so the next time you are at the parlor just ask your hairdresser whether you have dry, oily, damaged, or normal hair. Next, find the brand which works for your hair. if all brands did the same work we would all be walking around flipping our hair like the girls in the Sunsilk ads, but this is not the case so we can only rely on trial and error to get it right. Again, ask your hairdresser what they may recommend and try that, if you don’t think its doing much for your hair, try something else. If you have over-treated or sun damaged hair, make sure you invest in a good deep conditioner that you use once a week to help soften the hair.

Save your hair: Yet again, our mothers were right. Too much blow drying really does damage the hair. Not only does it dry out the hair, it also robs it of precious moisture and sheen, leaving it looking dull, dry and very brittle. Another thing we really shouldn’t get too much of? Permanent colors and strong treatments like rebonding, perming, and repeated highlighting. I'm not saying ban the beauty parlor for good, but exercise some restraint with the product pile-up in your hair girls and boys. If you do like to go visit the salon every so often, then make it a weekly protein treatment, or better yet, a nice oil massage!

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