Monday, June 28, 2010

'Rinse and Repeat!"

It’s definitely one of the worst things that can happen to you in an office. You’ve just finished your lunch break and gone into a meeting with a colleague when bang in the middle of your explanation of something, you lean in to emphasize a point, and thud. It hits you like a cannonball moving at full speed. The breath of garlic, onion, mustard topping on something giving your otherwise perfectly pleasant co-worker the exhaling powers of the devil himself. Powerful enough to wipe out a town. There’s only one thing worse than dealing with a friend with bad breath post a garlicky lunch. And that’s having the toxic breath yourself. So here I am folks, to help you save the day. Mouth wash. It’s the easiest, simplest way to prevent ever worrying about anyone in the office avoiding you for after-lunch meetings.

And besides the obvious help it will do for your social life (trust me, minty fresh-smelling breath is a big turn on for all types), here are some other reasons to enjoy a rinse after each meal.

Kills germs: Just like having bad breath can do some real damage to your social and office life, using a good mouthwash after you eat can help kill germs because it is able to reach the spots between your teeth and gums that your toothbrush cant.
Cleans out the mouth: Eating a pasta or any other sticky food? Rinsing your mouth after helps to loosen up any food caught between your teeth, which if not spat out or swallowed, can eventually create trouble of all kinds!

Helps to prevent cavities: Anything that prevents you having to sit in that “special chair” at the dentist faced with the sight (and sound!) of those terrifying drills must be a good thing right? Using mouthwash at leas once a day helps to prevent the build up of plaque in the mouth, which is what causes all those nasty, painful cavities.

So this time, say with me: rinse, rinse, and repeat!

1 comment:

  1. Bad breath I had it for about 18 years, I’d already decided when I was going to end my life. I was Mr. unpopular. I didn’t think to read about it on the web until one day a person I didn’t even know told me I had real bad breath and said he had it once too and told me to check online for a site called as it worked for him to cure his bad breath. I was thinking how nice he was as most people just hold their nose and walk away from me. Anyway I followed advice and after a week I noticed my tongue started turning red and the bad taste was gone from my mouth. I started noticing people had stopped holding their nose and trying to get away from me. A few months later I bumped into that guy again. I told him I use his advice and thought it worked, he ask me to breath out in to his face while he smelt it and he’s like smiling and said my breaths is fresh now. I could have hugged him, I didn’t tell him how I felt just a few months ago, but he and that site where a life saver to me. Don’t let bad breath ruin your life like it tried to do to me. Another site I found useful is it shows you how to test your breath without leaving home. My Dr writes- Hi I'm Dr James Wright, I'm a EMT bacterial researcher. I recommend all bad breath sufferers visit and and as I know of very good oral health outcomes from people who follow their advice. J.T SD
