Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Breathe Easy"

It happens to all of us. Some days it just feels like the world has woken up on the fast train and some how you are stuck on a verrry slow donkey trying to catch up. Its almost as if there aren’t enough minutes in the day to finish all of the zillion things you need to get ticked off of your “To Do List”! Blame it on the heavy meal you had the night before. Or maybe the extra glass of wine that you really could have done without. Or the fact that the alarm just didn’t ring this morning causing you to wake up and move straight into fifth gear to get into the office on time. The point is, your world seems to be spinning out of control today and you have a bad feeling things are just going to collapse all over you. Like a house of cards.

Here’s what you have to do. Just Breathe.

It’s actually as easy as that. Close your eyes. Now take a deep breath in, taking your own time to breathe in all the oxygen you can. Try and count the number of seconds it takes you to get this nice, full breath of air into your lungs, focusing on the physical movement in your lungs while dong so. Once you have taken in a complete breath, slowly, with awareness on all the sensations of your body, begin to exhale. Keeping the eyes soft and closed, gently allow the breath to leave your body and once you have completed your exhalation, begin to breathe in deeply once more. Continue to breathe in this way for about five more breaths counting one complete inhalation and exhalation as a single breath.

Deep breathing is one of the easiest and simplest ways to get back that sense of balance when you are feeling over flustered or stressed. Proven by research around the world, this form of breath work helps to give the mind a feeling of calm and even reduces blood pressure when practiced on a regular basis. The best part is that the next time you are having one of those crazy days, you don’t have to go to a doctor or worry about falling to pieces in the middle of your office. All you need to do is breathe :)

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