Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Soups Up"


It’s the perfect meal when you want to go light. It’s the ideal feel-good food when you are feeling far from good. It’s the winter food which keeps you feeling warm. It’s all the nutrients and health you need fitting perfectly in a bowl.

Undoubtedly, one of the nicest benefits to adding soup to your regular diet is the fact that even though it fills you up with its yumminess, it can easily be a low-calorie; nearly fat-free meal in itself. A good example is any clear vegetable soup. Basic rules say if the soup is clear it means it doesn’t contain any cream, butter, or milk --- which means its practically water people! Instead just adding some boiled veggies to some clear vegetable stock soup can make for a super-delicious meal. So not only do you get a taste of something warm and nourishing, adding comfort to your day, you get a healthy way to lose those extra kilos :)

And here’s another reason why you should think about soup. Since soup is more or less liquid in form, you can put all kinds of wholesome goodness into the blender and add it to soup making sure its packed with all the vitamins, antioxidants, and immunity boosting foods you need to keep you fighting fit. Which is why soup is also a smart thing to eat if you are ever feeling a little under the weather. Take your pick from a wide range of ingredients to make tomato, spinach, pea, mixed veggie, broccoli, beetroot, pumpkin, cabbage, even lentil soup! If you are a carnivore who cant do without meat on your plate you could consider adding a little shredded chicken, or some shrimp into your bowl as well. So the next time you are wondering what to have for lunch, just think about all the wellness power in that little bowl of soup and drink up!

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