Monday, May 17, 2010

"Breaking Your Fast!"

Waking up on the average week dayis a pain. You usually hit the snooze button on your alarm clock a couple of times and then end up having to jump out of bed to run into a quick 3 minute shower before grabbing the first decent thing you can find to wear to office (assuming its not one of those awful client meeting days when you have to try extra hard!) and literally rushing out of the front door….And straight into your office cubicle where you begin the fire-fighting of the day. Answering mails, sending mails, taking calls of irate vendors, client servicing, follow-ups, and of course dealing with your boss. You can hardly believe it when the hands on your watch read 2pm the next time you look. Only lunch time and you are dead tired already. So what are you missing?

Well to begin with, you are literally running on empty. Like a car which doesn’t have any fuel in its engine, your body is basically working on its lowest battery. You have ignored the most important meal of your day: breakfast. I cant stress enough how super-necessary it is to put something, literally anything, in your mouth within those first few hours of waking up. Think about it, you eat your dinner at 9pm at the earliest? Which means, if you are one of those idiots who skips breakfast, and end up having a quick office bite for lunch at 2pm, you are literally starving your body for 17 hours. Does that sound smart at all?

 Instead, if you just take 10 minutes out of your morning rush to feed your empty tummy, you will be amazed at the difference in your day. First of all, you are able to get your work started with guns blazing full of energy and not for just a short time which your black coffee can give you for maybe an hour, but you will find that you are able to go through the entire day feeling stronger, fuller, and with the capacity to last. Even with a light lunch and a simple tea time snack (biscuits work well) you feel good by the time you are ready to leave the office. And your choices for that morning meal? Take your pick from the more continental cereal, French toast, scrambled eggs, omelets, boiled eggs, poached eggs, toast and fruit or go regional with poha, upma, even idli. As long as its not deep fried, its all good. Get started today and enjoy the difference.

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