Monday, May 10, 2010

"Peak Performance"

What’s the most important thing to remember when you are training for any sort of major athletic event, for eg the Mumbai Marathon or even a high intensity workout? Its all about the preparation girls and boys. And that means the right training, the right eating, the right sleeping, and the PERFECT 24 hours prior to your event. And the key to ensuring your best athletic performance is to make sure that you are getting the right foods to support and strengthen your body when it needs proper nutrition the most.

Here are some quick pre-event tips to keep in mind:

Carb-loading: Make sure that all your meals 72 hours before your event are high in the carb department. Am taking bran cereal for breakfast, rice for lunch, and pasta for dinner.

11th hour fix: Eat a little something 3 to 4 hours prior to the event. Maybe a toast, or a Granola bar, even a banana. This works to give you that extra fire power to last you through the event without too much exhaustion.

Stick to what you know: this is not the time to experiment .In the last24 hours, its smartest to stick to foods that are easy for your body to digest. (ie. Fried foods are a big no –no)

Sugar free: Avoid foods that are high in sugar levels until at least one hour before your event. These tend to spike energy levels, but only for a short time, and so are not the most favorable options.

Drink up: its of supreme importance to stay well hydrated before any athletic event, and if there weather is hot, even more so. Drink a couple of glasses a few hours before the event, maybe another glass about half an hour before you begin, and a few sips every half and hour during the event.

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