Monday, May 3, 2010

"Workin it without Working out!"

Alright so it’s finally here ladies and gentlemen. The party season is upon us. Pool parties, birthdays, barbeques and rain dances, its the season to move it shake it rock it! And yes, it’s definitely the most time of that long year spent chained to the office desk or pouring over text books, second only to the new year season. Finally, you can fully enjoy the party :)

Unfortunately, along with the festivities and general chaotic fun, there’s one aspect of life that tends to get a little…ummmm, shall we say neglected? No, I’m not talking about the lack of sleep everyone suffers from these next few months (a little Garnier Eye Cream or cold sliced cucumbers covering closed eyes will clear those dark raccoon eyes right up!). I am talking about the fact that in the midst of the hectic schedule (party, sleep, eat, make-up, party, sleep, make-up) one sorta kinda “sacrifices” time spent on any semblance of exercise. Basically, we eat, drink and party piling on the weight while we are at it, leaving us all with the same new years resolution every year (I muuuust lose xx kilos/inches this year!)

Not to worry, for Diya is here to help you. The bottom line is, you can’t create more hours in the day, but you can make those hours you do have count for something! So here are 5 simple ways you can sneak a mini-workout into your party days :)

1. Hit the dance floor – get that party started people. If there’s music at a party, don’t just stand around guzzling drinks at the bar or worse stuffing yourself at the buffet. Get your booty on that dance floor and shake it :) trust me, you will find that not only are you having a blast, but you’re also burning all those empty calories away into oblivion!

2. Walk and talk – like the ad says, in the middle of all that busy socializing – you know you spend at least a couple of hours yakking to your buds/girls about what said what to who last night, and what she was wearing, not to mention who he was with. All I am saying is while you’re giving your mouth a lot of work, why not move your body while you’re at it? Walk and talk people.

3. Save energy – take the stairs! This one’s easy, where you see stairs – take them! Of course as long as you aren’t climbing 10 flights, in which case you may want to have an ambulance handy, but all numbers below 6 are golden in my books!

4. Go grocery shopping – think of it as retail therapy for a purpose. Swap roles with the maid for a couple of weeks and walk around the store picking up your weekly supply of stocks. If you’re feeling a little more adventurous, get to that fruit and veggie market and spend a little time walking through the lanes of fresh fruit! Not only will you feel great being able to choose your own, you get an excellent walk out of it too.

5. Play with the kids/pets – Want to score some major brownie points? Volunteer to babysit your sisters 3 year old while she goes to the spa! Or spend a little time taking your furry friend George outside to the park. Playing with our pets and hanging out with little kids are guaranteed to get you moving, not to mention giving your family a reason to be glad you are spending some time at home in the middle of your party season!

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