Monday, May 31, 2010

"Post Party Syndrome"

It happens to the best of us. So there you are coasting through the party season feeling pretty darn good about things. Birtday party here, Christmas party there. Housewarming get together this week, rooftop barbeque next week. Until it happens. When your “switch”, as I like to call it, malfunctions. Plainly put, the “switch” is what usually works to keep you rocking but not swaying, singing but not slurring, and nibbling but not stuffing yourself silly.

And sometimes, the “switch” just fails to operate properly. You know this has happened when you wake up in the morning feeling like you have a dozen oompa loopmas drilling jackhammers into your brain. This is usually accompanied by a dull, but real sense of nausea, the inability to focus the eyes, and poor hand eye coordination. The icing on the cake is that your digestive system seems to have turned violently against you and all is not well with your tummy.

Here’s how to save the day….or at least what’s left of it, and feel like a human being again.

Drink up: it’s a simple, but golden rule which NEVER fails me boys and girls. Begin the morning with a liter of water. And just keep it going. Try and see if you can get at least 6 bottles of water into your system. The science is simple; all that peeing which is bound to ensue the guzzling, brings out all those extra toxins in the system and help to cleanse the digestive tract.

Vitamin C: here’s a trick which a friend taught me. When you wake up with an extra heavy head, usually caused by one glass of vodka too many, drink a glass of orange juice. Am not sure how or why, but the vitamin c in the stuff, just helps clear that fuzzy brain feeling right up!

Sleep: you need to rest your body after a crazy few nights of partying. The more quality sleep you get, the easier it is to recover. So even if you wake up early, have a bottle of water, and go get another house to snooze time (assuming it’s a Saturday/Sunday, if not, then good luck at the office!)

Carb fest: you need to absorb the excess in your body, and the best way to do that is you have a slice of toast or maybe a portion of rice/roti with your meal. Guaranteed to make you feel a little bit more like yourself and less like someone who has been hit by a truck.

So this season be sure to party hard, but party smart!

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