Monday, May 24, 2010

"How to Get into those Skinny Jeans!"

Every one of us has a pair. The ones that fit like a dream. The ones that make your butt look like it could give J-Lo a run for her money. The ones that you literally sweat and toil to get into for those super-sexy parties. The ones that you would never, ever want to break up with. Your favorite pair of jeans. 

Skinny. Boot-legged. Flare. Slim fit. Straight. They could be any style, but they are the one pair that makes you feel like a sexy chica worth about a gazillion bucks.
So it’s understandable that when there comes a day (and yes, ladies, that day will come) when those jeans just don’t seem to button up, you have a literal, actual, honest-to-god panic attack.
But don’t dial 911 just yet.  You call it panic. I call it opportunity.  Let those perfect, hip-hugging jeans be your motivation to do what it takes to get back into them and work it!
And all it takes are a couple of simple strategies. 

First and foremost, you need to recognize that nothing worth anything in life comes easy. It takes sweat. Leg-lifts, crunches, squats, and plank pose are all about to become your best friends. Trust me, a regular routine (say 3 to 5 times a week) of repetitions of these and other exercises that focus on toning the abdominal area and you are golden. Start this routine about two weeks prior to D-Day (also known as the party of the year) and you have a very high chance of slipping into those skinnies like you were born for it.

Second and also important, but not to be taken to extreme levels ladies, is your diet. You literally are what you eat and if you want to get those abs to look fat and fantastic in your jeans, you need to watch what you are putting into your mouths. Good guys: salads, vegetables of all kinds, chicken, fish, brown bread, whole wheat pasta, pulses, eggs, milk, fresh juices, fruits. Bad guys: deep-fried samosas, pakoras, cheese pizza, sugary desserts, colas, alcohol.

Last, but certainly not least, is the biggest secret: it’s the power of your mind. You have to really, truly, 100% believe that you are going to reach your goal (i.e. rock the house in those gorgeous denims) and then, and only then will you be able to works towards guaranteed success. It’s all about making your dreams a reality, bringing what you want into existence, in short going for the gold with no room for doubt!  Enjoy those jeans ladies...

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