Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Drink Up"


Considering we live in a country with a mostly tropical climate, its surprising how little importance we give to the habit of drinking water. Most of us get thirsty and end up drinking fizzy drinks or other forms of sweetened, syrupy concoctions that don’t necessarily quench our thirst. The fact is carbonated beverages (especially stuff like Coke and Sprite) don’t replenish the body of the liquid its trying to replace. In fact, under some conditions of extreme heat, the worst thing you could drink would be a fizzy, sugary drink that would send your blood sugar levels soaring temporarily but them bring them crashing down again leaving you feeling even thirstier than before! Fact: the most effective way to hydrate your body and quench your thirst is also the most easily available (ie in your refrigerator): Water.

Making up more than 50% of your body weight, water is the essential stuff you need to lubricate your joints, keep your body temperature normal, and get rid of waste and toxins through sweat, urination, and bowel movements. Without enough water your body can get dehydrated, which can lead to muscle cramping, a feeling of weakness, and a higher chance of heatstroke or heat exhaustion. And guess what? If you are living in a place which has hot weather you are likely to need to drink greater amounts of water than people living in cooler climates. This is also the case if you are an active person who does a lot of vigorous exercise or if you are down with a viral infection or stomach bug which keeps your stomach going and going and going!

So whats the magic number? We all know the famous “8 glasses a day” rule, but the truth is that if you are healthy, you don’t really need to monitor your daily intake of water. You can get enough water by simply drinking when you are thirsty and getting a decent amount of liquids in through soups and other drinks (juices, herbal teas) during the course of your day. However, if you are on the go constantly, working in a job which requires you to chase one deadline after the next leaving you very little free time, it’s a good idea to keep a bottle of water on your desk and maybe even a small one in your bag. Make sure you are emptying both bottles a couple of times a day to ensure that you are getting what you need to replenish your body and stay hydrated throughout your day! Drink well and here’s to your health :)

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