Monday, May 3, 2010

"Health in the days of Recession"
Everyone these days seems to be talking about the same thing: the recession. Cutting down. Saving. Trimming costs. Sensible spending. The top priority on every student, parent, employee, employer, homemaker, and businessman’s mind is the same: spending smart. So how can you be smart about your health in this unhealthy economy?

Here are a few smart ways to stay in good health when your bank account needs to be fattened up!

1. Visit your doc regularly – remember, if medical problems are detected earlier, they can often be resolved faster, with minimal pain, and minimal cost! So make sure that you are going for those regular dental visits, eye check-ups, yearly exams, and you will be likely to stay illness free while keeping those medical bills away!

2. Take your daily dose – just because its time to cut back and maybe spend less money splurging on shopping or vacations does not mean you should cut corners when it comes to your health. Words from the wise: prevention is better than cure. And not just is it better, it is almost always cheaper people! Keep up with your regular medications if you are taking any for chronic illnesses and most definitely keep taking those multivitamins – you need all the physical and mental strength it takes you get you through these tough times!

3. Get those shots - think yearly shots are just for kids? Think again. If you find yourself coming down with every bug that seems to be floating around town this season, you may want to consider getting yourself a flu shot. Instead of spending all those days feeling sick and miserable, while paying for countless doses of antibiotics, you can boost your immunity against the flu and stay strong and healthy enough to put those extra hours into the office.

4. Drop whats no good for you – this is the perfect time to get rid of some of those unhealthy (not to mention expensive) habits you have! If you’re a smoker, now is the time to bite the bullet and quit – think of the money you will be saving – and of course think of how much better off you will be health wise once you are smoke-free (how does preventing cancer sound to you??). If you have a weight problem, get rid of the junk food . You’d be amazed to see how much you can spend on coke, chips, chocolates, and cookies. And while you’re at It, why not go for a nice power walk in your neighborhood park? Not only will you lose those inches, you’ll also gain some extra spending power!

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