Monday, May 17, 2010

"Eating Out: Do it Right"

So you’ve been on the most awesome diet for the last two weeks. Combined with the balanced, mini-meals you have been dutifully feeding yourself, you have also on the most kick-ass workout regime. You tummy is flatter, thighs are workin it, you butt is fitting into those jeans just right, and your arms are looking to-die-for. All in all, life is good.

And then it happens. The phone rings and you hear those words which you’ve been avoiding all month long…"lets go out for dinner tonight!” And in the next five minutes you can literally visualize all those hours of blood, sweat, and tears going straight down……to your hips!

But don’t worry, there’s always hope girls and boys. I am here to give you some simple tips on eating out so that you can enjoy your meals in peace, without worrying about putting on any extra pounds and ensuring that you still have a fantastic social life!

Pre-Dinner Preps: Alright so this might sound a little strange, but trust me, it’s the answer to eating a sensible dinner out. Eat before you eat. Confused? Basically, you need to eat a little something before you head out to dinner. Think about it, most of the time, dinners out tend to be late. And between your lunch and maybe coffee break, your stomach has been empty.The result? You end up so ravenous by the time you get to the restaurant; you are ready to eat a horse. And so you end up overordering, and yup, that means overeating. An easy way to avoid this is to have a small bowl of salad, vegetables, or even some grilled chicken before you go out and you are all set.

Grill it, bake it,steam it, sauté it: Open up almost any menu and you are hit with choices, choices and more choices. Vegetarian, seafood, red meat and white, its all there. So how do you know what to pick? The key is to choose the dish which has been prepared in the healthiest method. So choose from grilled, baked, steamed, or even sautéed dishes and you are golden girls and boys. If you are watching the weighing scales and want to be safe, avoid the fried stuff entirely if possible.

Skip the sweet stuff: Finally, the meal is over and you are a rockstar who has had an amazing grilled fish with a side of sautéed mushrooms. Just right to fill you up after your pre-meal salad. So don’t spoil it all by ordering the gooey chocolate brownie with vanilla ice-cream and whipped cream! Be smart, skip the dessert and order some green tea instead.

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