Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Diet Defence!"
Tea, garlic, broccoli….sound like I’m making a grocery list? Well, it’s more like a medicine list. You’d be surprised to find how much help we can get protecting ourselves from those horrible infections which always seem to be “going around” from our very own kitchens! Mother nature, in all her wisdom, has created and given us the ability to build our immunity and strengthen our bodies defenses against disease just by eating right. Here are some easy ways to stay happy and healthy all year long.

Almonds – Can you believe this? A yummy snack which is also good for you?? Its true, almonds contain natural ingredients which make this food a great stress buster J Plus with the Vitamin E it contains, it effectively works to help your body combat disease. Need I say more? Just carry a small container with you to work everyday and you have the perfect mind-afternoon snack which also (amazingly) helps you deal with your cranky boss!

Watermelon – besides the fact that it tastes absolutely fabulous (who can resist a slice of cold, juicy watermelon on a hot summer day?),this fruit is also wonderfully hydrating and also works to improve the effectiveness of the digestive system. In fact, being a natural laxative it’s one of the healthiest ways to deal with constipation. On a more pleasant note, it also contains powerful antioxidants which help to strengthen immunity and fight infections.

Oranges - there is a god girls and boys. Because the orange is yet another example of something that not going tastes fantastic, making your tummy smile, but is also super-good for you! Packed with high amounts of vitamin C, your friendly juicy orange is the perfect natural remedy to protect you against colds and flues (of course that doesn’t mean you need to stop your multi-vits coz you need full power strength to fight the flues out there these days!)

Button Mushrooms – filled with B vitamins and antioxidants, these little guys can play a vital role is strengthening your immune system – keeping you flu-free all season while people around you seem to be dropping like flies!

Cabbage – easy to find, especially now in the cold season, cabbage is loaded with disease-fighting agents. Toss it in with a fresh salad, steam it, make it a soup, or serve it as a sabzi, you wont regret getting enough of its green goodness.

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