Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"A Change is Coming"


Rainy evenings. Light fog. Chilly mornings. Sweltering days. Seems like there’s a malfunction up there in the abode of the weather gods? Or maybe the gods really have gone crazy this time.

All I know is, Its that time of the year again. When everyone you meet says “there’s something going around” Here are some simple ways to dodge those mid-season viral/flu attacks!

Remember your ABCs – this is the time when taking your daily dose of multivitamins really counts. If you are regular about getting your supplements , you are sure to see a healthy resistance to those awful sneezy, coughing, bouts your friends and collegues all seem to be getting around you. So make sure you are getting enough vitamin C (through oranges, juice, even green chillies), calcium (from milk, cheese,yoghurt and other dairy products) and other essential vitamins (best through a multivitamin).

Bundle Up – feel like your body thermometer has gone out of whack? Walk out of the house in a tee feeling hot as hell, and yet a few hours later start feeling like there’s a chill in the air? Its just one of the signs of the changing season. To avoid getting catching a chill, make sure to carry a light jacket or a shawl with you when you leave home in the morning. A small umbrella you can carry in your bag isn’t such a bad idea either. You never know if its going to be one of those freakish rainy days in December!

Raw Power – raw fruits and veggies. Why? Because the nutritional content of vitamins and minerals found in raw foods is much, much higher than it is when foods are cooked. So try and get a bowl of salad into your lunch and dinner if possible. Mix some lettuce, red and green capsicum, bean sprouts, and maybe some mushrooms to make a wholesome appetizer. And for dessert? Go for some melon, banana, grapes, oranges, or an apple. Getting enough of these two food groups ensures your body has the fighting power it needs to block off any unwanted infections in the air.

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