Monday, April 12, 2010

"Five Reasons to Practice Yoga"
1.Flexibility – Here’s a personal guarantee for anyone who begins to practice yoga on a regular basis (which means about three times a week). You will actually see an increase in your flexibility in 4 sessions. Over time you will begin to notice a gradual “loosening” of your joints, and before you know it you will be easing into asanas you never thought were physically possible. All it takes is consistency and repetition WITHOUT forcing your body to go too far, too fast (be warned all you Type A Personalities!).

2. Strength – Literally going hand in hand with increased flexibility is the gradual build up of strength you gain in your body through the practice of yoga. And ladies, I am not talking about the horrible, bulky, female-wrestler type look you can get from lifting too many of those weights at the gym. I am talking about nice, firm abdominal muscles that can ease you into holding your entire body weight for up to a minute in Boat pose. I am talking about beautiful, strong backs which can glide smoothly into a backward bending Cobra pose. And with that strength, comes the added benefit of lowering your risk of arthritis, and back pain later on in life.

3.Weight Control – Here’s the thing. With a regular practice of an invigorating yoga class combined with a sensible diet and lifestyle, you will be able to stay in the healthiest shape of your life AND look great too! Yoga practices like Surya Namaskars will help you burn those extra calories, while the continuous practice of moving with self-awareness will also make you a more conscious eater.

4.Stress Management – The regular practice of yoga postures along with Pranayama (breath control) has actually proven to reduce levels of cortisol in the body. And whats cortisol? Normally, the adrenal glands secrete cortisol in response to an acute crisis, which temporarily boosts immune function. The problem is, If your cortisol levels stay high even after the crisis, they can actually cause more damage than good. Excessive cortisol has been linked with major depression, osteoporosis and high blood pressure, and could also contribute to weight gain and the risk of diabetes and heart attack.

5.A Positive Outlook – One of the most amazing things about yoga is a common “side effect” seen by most people who have practiced it. You actually begin to feel….happier! Ever noticed how people who walk out of yoga studios always tend to have a very zenned out, relaxed look on their faces?? Well, there’s something in the series of movements practiced, combined with breathing techniques and finally relaxation (usually everyone’s favorite pose!) which just allows students to let go of their office desks, their to-do lists, and their worries and leave them all behind. Not just that, people notice themselves actually looking at life and those worries from a positive, optimistic perspective! Now who wouldn’t want that?

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