Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Fact vs Fiction: The Truth about Colds!"
You know how the minute your mom starts to tell you her opinion on practically anything, it’s like magically we all hit the mute button in our heads and suddenly are able to totally block out anything that’s coming out of her mouth?? When all you see are her lips moving but really can’t hear a thing? Except maybe something that sounds a lot like blahblahblahblahblah…?? Well, let me tell you, sometimes our mothers are actually way smarter than we give them credit for! And here’s one subject on which they ALWAYS had something to say: your COLD!

Mamma always said….

“Feed the cold, starve the fever”
Verdict: Fiction. Although this phrase may sound so familiar to many of us having grown up hearing it from parents, teachers, and even doctors, research shows that there is actually no real evidence to indicate this to be true. Today’s doctors advice? Just listen to your body. If you are hungry, eat something simple and light (fruit, toast, soup preferably home cooked!)

“Wash your hands with soap!”
Verdict: Fact. This is probably the smartest piece of advice your mother ever gave you. Rinsing your hands before and after you eat your meals, as well as after coming in contact with any unhygienic surfaces will be sure to kill those nasty viruses before they get the chance to attack your immune system (or before you spread them to other people). Colds particularly, are commonly caught by touching something or someone who has the virus and then touching ones own mouth or nose. The best way to prevent the sniffles? Washing your hands thoroughly (and regularly) with a good soap (Dettol Liquid Hand soap is great!) or even using a hand sanitizer if you don’t have access to a clean bathroom and soap.

“Chicken soup for the snifflingsneezy soul”
 Verdict: Fact. Sounds crazy? But guess what, some limited studies show that having a bowl of chicken soup when you are down with a cold, may actually help you to recover sooner. Not to mention the fact that consuming a nice, warm liquid will also help to decongest the chest and sinus. Time to stock up on Knorr’s Chicken soup for the next rainy day cold!

“Take lots of Vitamin C”
Verdict: Maybe so, maybe not. Some research suggests that taking vitamin c can help prevent colds as well as speed up the process of recovery from them, while others actually suggest that too much of the stuff can be a bad thing. Again, here most docs will advise you to take that extra “sunshine vitamin” only if it helps you.

“Drink lots of liquids”
Verdict: Fact. Mom was definitely right about this one guys! And the good news is, besides alcohol, it doesn’t matter what you drink, as long as you are regularly rehydrating your body with fluids (think green tea, fruit juice, water, nimbu paani, coconut water, even coffee!)

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