Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Drink Up: Water - It does the body good!"
Lets face it, we live in a tropical climate. Temps can go up to 50 degrees in the summer (if you don’t believe me, please visit Delhi anytime in the months of May or June). In some places the humidity is so high you constantly look and feel like you just stepped out of a shower and forgot to dry yourself. And in other places the sun is so freakin strong you literally feel like you’ve had the wind kicked out of you the minute you step into the sun.
So why oh why do we allow ourselves to suffer further in these conditions without bothering to do the most basic thing to combat the effects of heat? Why, pray tell me, don’t any of us drink the water we need? Instead we chug down sugary, carbonated, calorie-laden drinks which are advertised as “cool” and “refreshing”! Guess what? Not only do these drinks fail to quench your thirst, they are often the reason you feel even more dehydrated and tired!

Finally you might ask, why water? For so so many reasons!

It amps up your energy levels! When you are tired, it’s often a sign of dehydration. Just grab that glass of water and feel the energy bring your body bouncing right back on track!

It works as a stress buster! The majority of your brain is made of water so if you’re dehydrated, both your body and your mind will be stressed. In fact, thirst is a sign of dehydration! So keep your stress at bay by keeping a glass of water at your desk and take regular sips. Remember to try and get at least 6 to 8 glasses of H20 a day.

It boosts your metabolism (especially if you drink it cold) helping you to lose those extra kilos and stay fit. Just drink a glass before meals to help you feel fuller and watch those inches melt away!

It reduces your risk of kidney stones! The rate of painful kidney stones is rising because people - including children - aren't drinking enough water. Water dilutes the salts and minerals in your urine that form the solid crystals known as kidney stones. Since Kidney stones can't form in diluted urine, reduce your risk with plenty of water.

It helps your workout! Drinking water helps prevent muscle cramping and is also good for the joints of the body, allowing you to exercise longer and harder without feeling exhausted

It stimulates your digestive fires! If the body is well hydrated, it adds to the effectiveness of the digestive tract.

It gives you “that glow” – mother natures secret weapon of defense against the evils of fine lines and wrinkles ladiesI Drinking the stuff gives your skin cells more oxygen, making those gorgeous faces look younger. Not just that, it even gets rid of all the toxins and dirt in the skin by improving blood circulation.
The Result? Squeaky clean, clear and happy skin.

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