Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Get Your Daily Dose"
You know how mom always nags you about " An apple a day, blah, bhah," keeping the doctor away? Turns out, she's sorta, kinda, ummm right!!! who knew??

But its true guys, ever since I started taking my daily multi-vitamin (just one cute pink pill), I feel like my energy levels have been amped, my naturally cheerful personality seems to have developed an ever sunnier disposition, my skin, hair and eyes are literally shining, in short, I feel fantastic! But the best part is that I honestly cannot for the life of me, remember the last time I was home sick with a dreaded nasty, achy-painy, life-sucking,feel-like-u-want-to-cry-for-mommy flu.

And even if i ever do get bitten by some strange mutated new syndrome, "viral fever", crazy rat/bird flu,or any other kind of bug, I seem to bounce back from it, and back to my healthy energetic self in a maximum of two days....this I have tested people. Long story short, taking your regular dose of a multivitamin is good for you all round. These little pink/white/you pick your shade capsules are packed with antioxidants, minerals, and of course vitamins which basically optimize the functioning capacity of your body's organs while strengthening your immune system. And the stronger your immunity, the easier it is for you to totally resist any infection attempting to attack your body.

So be smart in these days of swine flu, and take your daily dose of the good stuff!

You can find multivitamins for both men and women at your nearest GNC, or just talk to your doctor for some more brand options.

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