Monday, April 5, 2010

"Yummy in my Tummy"
They say “you are what you eat” and guess what guys? They might just be right!

According to the people who know (am talking researchers, scientists, doctors and others who have names followed by PD, MB, PhD) certain kinds of foods actually have the ability to do more than just satisfy that midnight craving , they can actually make you…wait for it….HAPPY J

Simple ways you can fight the blues and feel on top of the world Bottom of Form

Oatmeal - containing a lot of soluble fiber that lowers blood sugar levels and keep them down, effectively reducing irritability and hunger, oatmeal gives the body a great energy boost and keeps you going through your day without missing a beat (or a deadline!).

Salmon and Tuna – omega-3 fatty acids are the magic words here – and these fish have lots of it! These are also known as the “good fats” and are used by your brains to keep those brain cells needed for those good moods healthy and of course happy!

Chocolate - finally, a reason to eat this delectable food! Chocolate contains a substance called – are you ready for a word I bet you cant pronounce on the first try? Phenylethylamine. And this fantastic, lets call it P-mine, stimulates the brain to produce serotonin, which is closely linked with mood and is a naturally occurring chemical that acts like an antidepressant in the brain. Hmmm makes you wonder whether we could ever replace boyfriends for Snicker bars??

Spinach – not just coz Popeye ate the stuff and was always in a good mood! But because it contains large amounts of magnesium and folic acid (Vitamin B) both of which are associated with mood.

Salt -as long as you don’t go crazy with it, this natural mood enhancer is good for you in decent amounts.

Bananas - Doctors, Athletes, Trainers, all swear by it! Bananas are supposed to be one of the few complete foods – and the fact that it contains magnesium means its also likely to effect the mood –so what are you waiting for? Go bananas and feel great! J

Milk – it truly does the body good! the calcium it contains can help to reduce anxiety and stress levels in the body. And the tryptophan it contains helps the body to produce the feel good serotonin! So go ahead and drink up!

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