Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Detox Dilemma"

Fatigue. Dull skin. Dry or greasy hair. Brittle Nails. Irritability. Depression. Low resistance to flus and viruses. Mood swings. Sleep problems. Stress. Digestive problems. Mouth ulcers. Muscle and joint pain. Migraines. Dark circles. Nausea.

Sound a little too familiar? If you have two or more of these symptoms, chances are you are suffering the consequences of a build of toxins in the body. And where and how do these toxins come from? Well they come both internal and external environments. Some toxins are a result of the waste products naturally created by our own body’s digestive systems, while others are a product of certain harmful presences in our external environments. And what might these be? Cigarettes, alcohol, pollution in the air, medications, and preservatives in food, artificial flavors and coloring are the most common culprits.

But wait a minute, isn’t the body meant to be able to get rid of these toxins on its own? Well, yes, that is indeed true. But, and this is the kicker, if there the levels of toxins in the body are too high, our body’s simply are no match for these nasties. Instead, the body begins to struggle in its resistance, the organs begin to slow in their function, and slowly you start to notice that you are showing some of the symptoms listed above  So how does one solve these problems of physical and mental deterioration without getting weaker and more agitated?

That’s where Detox come in. There are two common goals which form the basis of almost any detox plan. They are the cleansing and the rejuvenation of the body. The principles are essentially as follows: you cut down on the amount of energy you take in through food, reduce if not completely stop the intake of any toxins into your system, drink loads of water to drain the body of toxins, eat a healthy and nutritious diet, and get regular exercise. And research shows that if done safely and for a reasonable length of time, most detox plans have a beneficial impact on our physical well-beings. But, and this is important girls and boys, make sure you understand one thing clearly and that’s the following. Although some detox plans do have the effect of some weight loss, they ARE NOT to be confused with weight-loss plans.

So I know what you are thinking. It’s all too complicated; you wouldn’t know what to cut and what to keep.Want to start with something doable? Some of the simplest detox plans would include cutting out the following from your diet: meat, alcohol, coffee, tea, and processed sugars (ie any of those sugary desserts and soft drinks!). Of course you would have to make sure you are getting loads of fresh vegetables (both cooked and raw), plenty of water, fruit juices, and some fruit as well.

You could try it for a week and see if you notice any differences in how your body (and mind) feel!

Remember, your body is a temple. Treat it gently and with respect, and it will be kind to you all through your life :)

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