Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Color me Crazy"
I don’t know about you, but I live my life in technicolor! My moods can literally be affected by the colors on and around me, and guess what, turns out I am not the only one of my kind.

Blues make me feel cool and refreshed, like I am lounging in the Greek Islands.. .Green makes me feel iike I am connected to nature, revitalized and fresh! Yellow, of course, is the color of sunshine :) you cant help but smile when you are around it! And white gives me a sense of purity, balance and calms my sometime frazzled nerves! On the other hand, I stay away from Red, which just feels too hot and exhausting for me, while Grey --- well, it just that --- a little too dull for my taste!

 Think about it, how many times have you bought something (think phone, clothes, bag, shoes, even a car) totally, if not partially based on if you like its color. I mean of course other qualities matter; functionality, brand, quality etc, but doesn’t it give it that much more of an edge if you like the particular shade of pink in which it comes? And why is it that people get depressed when they spend too much time in rooms which have dull, faded paint on the walls? This ability to affect things can go as far as the actually playing a role in enhancing the mental frame of mind of people and it makes me think, if colors can play such an important part of our lives, I for one, would like to learn a little more about the stuff..

Heres some interesting stuff researchers have found associated with specific colors:

Red – powerful color linked with ambition and vitality and is believe to overcome negativity. However, if used in excess Its also associated with anger! Buyer beware!

Turquise – this shade of blue/green is believed to be revitalizing and calming. Meant to reduce physical and mental fatigue and inspire greater creativity, and better communication. Perfect for solving romantic stress don’t you think?

Orange – it’s the happy colour! Believed to stimulate the mind and encourage positive thinking! Guaranteed to bring that “bounce” into your daily grind

Pink – believed to be a colour which is emotionally soothing and calming. For those days you want that “warm fuzzy feeling” girls and boys!

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