Monday, April 5, 2010

"Workplace Workouts"
Feel like you spend all of your waking hours at your desk? Usually find yourself so brain dead by the end of the day/night that you cant even do a simple task without difficulty? Well then here’s something which will work for you. Despite spending the majority of your day (and night!) chained to that desk, there is hope for your mental and physical health. Work these simple routines into your day and feel the difference in your body and mind (not to mention the quality of your work!)

Posture Perfect: Sitting at a computer all day can take a serious toll on your back so make sure to check your posture every hour or so. Chances are you will find yourself leaning forward, or hunching your shoulders, or even straining your neck to look at the screen. Consciously correct your posture by sitting upright, squaring your shoulders, and keeping your chin straight and neck even.

Taking Time-outs: Remember recess breaks in school? Well, there’s no reason why you can’t have them at work! Simply get out of your chair every few hours and take a stroll around the office. You could take your bathroom break, get a cup of coffee, or just walk over to your colleague to ask for something instead of calling/emailing them! Think of it as a mini-recess which gives your body and mind the chance to relax a little and you get to stretch those legs while you are at it!

Shouldering the workload: Ever notice an ache in your shoulders and base of the neck when you are feeling super stressed? Our bodies naturally tend to store tension in these areas and it’s hugely important to release that strain so that it doesn’t lead to a chronic pain. Practice two easy techniques: shoulder rolls (rolling forwards about 5 times and reversing the roll 5 times) and neck rotations (slowly rotating the neck from let to right in a circular motion about 3 times and then reversing the movement thrice again) to keep yourself strain and hopefully stress-free

Finding Focus: this one is easy. Every two hours or so sitting in front of your computer screen, take a minute to pamper those peepers a little Simply close your eyes and all the muscles to relax. Cupping both eyes with your palms, hold them there for a few seconds. Gently release and slowly open your eyes.

Brain Boosters (breathwork): Want to rev up your mental sharpness in the middle of that mid-day slump? Now you can – using not your brain, but your breath! Next time you feel that sluggish, fuzzy feeling begin (usually coz you haven’t had time to sit for a minute since you entered the office), simply follow these instructions. Sit down, and keeping your posture upright but not tensed, take a deep breath in, letting your belly extend forward. Then, just as slowly, exhale, bringing the belly in towards the spine. Try to keep your eyes closed if you can. Repeat this 5 times, and notice the difference in the rest of that crazy work day!

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